Size of the Mobile Capture Market

What is the size of the mobile capture market?

Mobile Capture Market Size

How big is the mobile capture market?

I have been scouring the internet to try and find some estimates on the size of the Mobile Capture Market.  Like most analyses, it seems the majority are vendor driven through focused market research.  Below are some key findings and links:

Kofax Mobile Capture Market Analysis by Forrester

So this press release is a focused effort on examining the overall market for multi-channel capture, MCC.  The December 2012 study focused on 3 key areas: multi-channel capture, business process management (BPM) and smart process applications (SPA).  The total market was estimated at $7.1 billion in 2012, with an estimate of $14 billion by 2016.   The capture piece of the pie was estimated to be $2.5B, BPM $7.6B and SPA $3.9B.  Here is a link to the press release for more detail:  Mobile Capture Market Breakdown.

Forrester Wave Multi-channel Capture Report

Although this report does not give market specific size information, it does provide a great overview of the MCC market opportunities and the offerings.  Key focus is on 3 capture market segments: On demand, batch and application specific.  The report can be seen here: Mobile Capture / Multi-channel Report

Harvey Spencer Study of Mobile Capture Market

So, it seems there is a decent disparity in estimates surrounding the mobile capture market.  In Harvey SPencer’s Report of 2011, they estimate the market reaching $1.5B by 2015.  This study was focused on 8 major use cases, and just included the U.S.  You can read the press release on the study here:  Mobile Capture in the US.